
7 10, 2015

Research Project: Self-Reconfiguring Robots


We are developing self-organizing systems of robots. Self-reconfiguring robots have the ability to modify their geometry without human intervention. They take on the body shape most suited for the task at hand. The idea is to make a module or voxel that can move to ...

Research Project: Self-Reconfiguring Robots2021-11-08T15:22:20+00:00
7 10, 2015

Research Project: Adaptive Optimization for Multi-Robot Teams


Distributed networked robot systems consist of multiple robots that are connected by communication. In these systems the robots interact locally with the environment. The objective is for the system as a whole to have guaranteed global behavior. Distributed robotics is an important area of robotics ...

Research Project: Adaptive Optimization for Multi-Robot Teams2021-11-08T15:22:21+00:00
7 10, 2015

Research Project: Manufacturing with Multi Robot Teams


Manufacturing today has a problem to solve: how do we go from mass production to customized production? Robots have already enabled mass production and robots together with new computational systems have the potential to enable mass customization. Today, robots are used extensively in manufacturing. But ...

Research Project: Manufacturing with Multi Robot Teams2021-11-08T15:22:21+00:00
14 09, 2015

Research Project: Self-Folding Robots


We are developing algorithms and systems to create functional robots using printing processes. We wish to design the body of the robot flat. We wish for the robot to have built-in intelligence, and ability to move in the world. Once designed, the robot is printed ...

Research Project: Self-Folding Robots2021-11-08T15:22:21+00:00
8 09, 2015

Research Project: Data Summarization and Life Logging


Today we can record everything we do, as well as everything a robot does. These past experiences can be a very rich source for decision-making, but the data collected from sensors and actuators is too big and low-level. It needs to be summarized and mapped ...

Research Project: Data Summarization and Life Logging2021-11-08T15:22:21+00:00
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